Drills and Techniques for Enhancing Speed in Fast-Pitch Pitchers
Given the 3 aspects of the pitch: speed; location, movement, I think it is fair to say that 80% of pitchers are more interested in speed than the other two. This is based on (sarcastic tone) my extensive study and surveys of pitchers over the years... OK, it's actually a guess based on asking several pitchers that I've worked with.
Before we discuss drills and techniques for speed enhancement, we have to be certain that we have talked about "absolute" pitch mechanics. If the mechanics are not sound, speed enhancement will be limited and MAY lead to injury, so be sure their mechanics are right.
The stride leg drive has to be significant enough to drive the body open into a K position. This is a balance between driving up and out with the stride leg. The stride leg must also land strong without bending or walking out
The push or pivot foot MUST start straight in order to push forward, then will open at the top of the pitch. Power-push (tm) is a great tool for this (see below). Note: I see many pitchers that open the pivot foot before they even drive forward with their stride foot. This causes the body to open too soon and there are a multitude of compensatory reactions to this but suffice to say that power is lost. What the pitcher should do as the pitching arm comes down and through the hip, the pivot leg should drive forward toward the inside of the stride leg.
Glove arm needs to work in unison with the pitching arm, and stride foot. As the stride foot comes up, the glove arm and pitching arm both come up. At eye level the glove arm points at the target as the body is opening (perpendicular to the catcher) and comes down at the same velocity as the pitching arm. It also helps if the opening of the glove is pointing down to keep the arm moving freely
Pitching arm, regardless of what style of pre-pitch motion, after the pitcher loads backwards the pitch arm and the glove arm come up together into "Frankenstein." At this point, the body is opening perpendicular to the catcher as the pitching arm is going to 12 o'clock. Most importantly, the ball should be PULLED up, down and through as the hand LEADS the way to the hip (for a fastball).
As the hand reaches the hip, the arm rotates at the shoulder and wrist snaps through. It doesn't have to be perfect but the ball should not be leading the hand through the arm-circle until the very bottom. The reason is the same as why we turn the ball away on overhand throws... frankly, it's faster because you get added speed from the shoulder rotation adding to the wrist snap and finger push.
Body position:
The overall is that, once the forward movement of the stride foot begins, the body must not bend at the waist, so it is imperative that pitchers have strong cores in order to transfer the energy from stepping down, through the body and into the arm and ball. Bending forward at the waist is a position of weakness and does not allow the energy to transfer through the body.
OK, lets talk about things you can do to enhance speed. Where does speed come from, outside of proper mechanics and sequencing?
- The downswing of the pitching arm, once the stride leg is planted. Remember that the downswing cannot generate any force until the stride-foot is down. It should be down by the time the pitching arm reaches one o'clock behind the pitcher. Then it should accelerate to the hip.
- Strong stride-foot plant. The stronger the stride-foot hits the ground, the quicker the arm snaps through
- Back leg drive. Even though the pitcher does not release the ball at the beginning of the leg drive, a strong leg drive transfers into a strong stride-foot plant, which, in the chain of sequence, transfers through the body faster, and generates more whip in the arm.
- Powerful stride plant with a firm, relatively straight, but not locked, stride leg, transfers the energy through the body and into the arm whip
- Powerful wrist snap that is straight towards the target with a 12-6 spin. The Throwmax (tm) (see my article below on follow-through) is a great tool for developing strong wrist snap.
6. Powerful finger-push. As everyone knows, the last body part to touch the ball are the fingers. Each finger is made up of three small levers. Pushing hard at the end of release enhances speed.
Note: Having great snap from the wrist and push from the fingers not only increases speed, but has the added benefit of increasing the spin on the ball which creates more late break on the pitches. An indirect way of checking this is to measure spin-rate with a Revfire (tm)
IMPORTANT: Be certain that the pitcher has fully warmed up and stretched before beginning these movements as the movements are very ballistic and can cause injury if the pitcher is not warmed up. Also, if they show any signs of injury, stop immediately and let them rest until fully recovered (possibly several days)?Hard Walk-ins
- Description: Pitcher starts about 20 feet from a net with the ball separated from the glove. This is really a run-in as they start running at the hitting sock or other loose net, until they are ready to pitch. When they are ready, they need to plant hard and fire the ball as hard as they can into the net. The release, at this point, is probably about 6 feet from the net. Their only goal is to throw as hard as they can. You can have a "feeder" standing near by to toss balls to the pitcher in order to add conditioning. As the pitcher finishes her pitch, she runs back to start position at 20 feet. On the way back, the feeder tosses a ball to her, so that there is no rest in between. After a given number of throws she should rest completely for a minute or even two and then do another set.
- Reps: (vary as you see fit): 3-5 sets of 5 hard walk-ins
- Key areas enhanced: This drill focuses on leg drive and arm circle speed
Pitch and pirouette
- Description: Pitcher starts on the mound throwing to a catcher. She goes through her regular motion but as she comes down to the hip with her pitching arm, she accelerates her arm so much so that as she brings her it across her body she picks up her pivot foot off the ground so that the force of her arm finishing across her body causes her to pirouette. Note: with the strong metal cleats they wear her pirouette will likely be 1/4 turn. The emphasis here is that the force of the arm across the body is what causes the pirouette. So the harder and faster she brings her arm down and across, the more she will pirouette. She'll be surprised at how well the ball is pitched, but make sure that her focus is on the pirouette and not the pitch.
- Reps: One bucket of 25
- Key areas enhanced: Arm speed and wrist snap/finger push
- Description: There are many ways to do this. I really like having a target. What I mean is a goal of some kind; like throwing over a backstop or over a fence or goal-post. Throwing higher makes them work their wrist more. The pitcher starts, with a bucket of balls, about 80 feet back from their target. First she backs up 3 steps then does a hard walk-in and releases as she is crossing the 80' mark. If it clears the bar, then move back another 5 feet, and so on. Once she gets to the distance that she cannot clear the target, throw the rest of the balls. Keep track of the greatest distance away from the target and try to beat it next time.
- Reps: 1 bucket of 25
- Key areas enhanced: Leg drive, and wrist-snap/finger push
- Description: Overload (heavy ball)-Under load (Lite-flite works great)-Regular (regular softball). VERY IMPORTANT: Never let your pitcher work all the way around with a heavy ball. I believe this to be dangerous for a pitchers shoulder. Just work all three pitches from the K-position-down, and snap as hard as they can
- Do sets of 10-10-10 and repeat 3 times.
- Finger strength and explosiveness
Other ways of building explosive power
- Short sprints: 5 meters 10 sets
- Resistance bands and Tools: 5-10 sets
- Big tire flips: 5 sets 15 seconds
- All core work, especially plank
- Power-cleans. Be sure that these are taught by a trainer as these can cause serious injury: 3 sets of 5-10
Training tools
- Finch Windmill (tm): A great tool that Jenny Finch's Dad, Doug developed for her to get faster
- The aforementioned Xelerator (tm): While doing reps, have the pitcher accelerate pulling the ball down from 12 o'clock faster and faster.
- Accraspeed (tm): This is a wonderful tool that straps to the pitchers arm and measures the centripetal force the pitcher generates at the bottom of the arm circle. It really helps the pitcher set goals on their arm speed. Because it measures arm speed force, it challenges them to go higher
Speed work is like intense weight training. It should be done at least 2 days a week maybe 3, but needs to have a rest day following it. It should not be done the day before a game... in fact I count a game as a speed day. How many exercises depends, partly, on the time of year. I like to do 3 of these exercises, mixing up various ones to keep it fresh.
You can do more physical training exercises in the off season, building a more explosive athlete, early season, focus on the drills, as the season is nearing the middle part, taper off a bit unless you have multiple pitchers and can work a long rotation with a fair amount of rest.
The benefits of speed are obvious. Making a batter have to react faster gives a fast pitcher an advantage, with a couple caveats. If the fastball comes in fast and flat it will get hit... HARD! If a pitcher cannot hit her spots, speed is irrelevant. If a pitcher does not have an off speed pitch, then the fastball will also be dead meat. A successful pitcher uses her fastball for setups and has a good off speed pitch to marry with it. Don't neglect movement and location. Good pitchers master 2 of the 3 aspects of the pitch (one of them better be location)...great pitchers master all three.
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