Friday, January 11, 2019

Ask the Coach

After 29 years of coaching fast-pitch softball at all kinds of levels except college, I am starting this blog to discuss solutions to problems that you may have in softball. I coached high school ball for 19 years, club ball (including Gold level) for 15 years and junior high for 4 years. everywhere I have coached, the programs have grown, and players have improved. I cannot count the number of players that I have instructed that then went on to play college ball. My coaching has taken place in Arizona, Colorado and Idaho. I have learned from the best coaches in the game as well as life. If you have questions about softball skills, strategies, camps, players, or any other areas, hit me up.

I will be posting regular articles on mechanics, philosophies, recruiting, etc. Hopefully there will be some stuff that you can use with your team or player or parents.

Please let me know if there are topics you want to discuss as well.

Feel free to post questions, concerns or just topics to discuss

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